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Frequently Asked Questions

As a teacher, does your pro-union position mean you oppose parental engagement in their children's education?


Not a bit. My work with unions has always focused on the employer / employee dynamic: all public employees have the right to representation in the contract negotiation process, but that does not mean any of those folks should expect their work to change.


There is no path to provide students the best possible education without their parents' involvement and input.  I believed this as a public school parent, I believe it as a teacher, and I will believe it & support it as an elected city official.

Why aren't you running as a member of a political party?


I feel strongly that policy change will help Chesapeake much, much more than any particular political party ever could.


If elected, I am going to focus on what matters:


1. Finding ways to revitalize the older parts of our beautiful city, & to provide affordable housing to our residents


2. Helping to facilitate the transition from at-large to a single-member voting system




3. Making sure our city employees have a say in the development of their contracts through their union representatives.


All three tasks are basic quality of life issues that will provide immediate improvements to our lives.  We don't need a political party to tell us that.


When we stay focused on those goals, we will make sense of our differences through decency, respect and compromise.

Do you really think you can get elected?


I do. 


It definitely won't be because we raise more money and advertise more than anyone else.


It'll be because those of us with common sense talk to each other, and we know once we get one foot in the door, we reach behind and lift each other up and in.  


So yes, we can pull it off as a team.  We can actually make meaningful, positive, long-term changes in Chesapeake that will improve both our city and our lives.

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